Your Health at Your Fingertips
HealthHub is a Singaporeans’ “digital healthcare companion”, providing one-stop access to their personal medical records, links to healthcare services and institutions and related information and tools so they can take control of their health.
You can access it via the HealthHub website, or by downloading the app.
Features to Note
Access your personal medical records with Singpass
HealthHub provides access to your personal hospital records, lab test results (for chronic diseases), medical appointments and referral letters from public healthcare institutions (polyclinics and hospitals). You can also access yours and your child’s immunisation records, dental health and medication records and even set reminders on when to take your medication!
Track your appointments
With the Caregiver Access module, you can grant your caregivers access to your health and medical records and medical appointments.
Easily manage your prescriptions
Conveniently request refills to your existing prescription or repeat a previous prescription.
Pay your medical fees seamlessly
Easily pay your medical fees via the HealthHub portal without having to visit the clinic or hospital in-person.
Stay connected to healthcare and lifestyle facilities and services
Access an extensive directory of healthcare and lifestyle facilities and services, such as locations of polyclinics, healthy food places and sports facilities. There’s even a tool that assesses whether you are at risk for diabetes.
Earn and accumulate Healthpoints
Sharing health articles or events from HealthHub on your social media platforms can earn you Healthpoints, which can be converted into rewards such as NTUC LinkPoints.